Like all our offerings, the Exams Simulator is also stocked with the most dependable and well researched exams and their explanations to help you ace your certification.
The content of this simulator has been created by Maneesh Vijaya, a person who has had over 28 yrs of Industry experience as well as over 14 yrs
of Project Management Consulting and Training experience across 13 countries, spread over 3 continents and in almost every domain where Project Management is undertaken.
This simulator, overtime, will grow into a full fledged platform where candidates who may be using any of the services or other platforms of PM-Pulse,
will get automatic and pertinent access to this platform.
Over a period of time, this simulator would provide practice content for every certification of importance connected to world of Strategy,
Portfolio, Program and Project Management.
Other Important links to PM-Pulse services / Platforms:
1. PM-Pulse website
2. PM-Pulse Audio platform
3. PM-Pulse Video Platform
4. Books of PM-Pulse on
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